People of the Netherlands, I am so very sorry for what my government has done to your representitive today.
Please believe that they have not done this on behalf of me, nor the majority of the British people, of whom I believe, oppose this outrageous denial of free speech.
Britain has historically led the fight for freedom of speech, costing millions of British lives, yet now we find ourselves becoming the very thing we have risen up and fought against so very often.
I shall go into my personal feelings about Fitna, Lord Ahmed, and the situation we find ourselves in on this day in my next post, but I felt that this deserved a platform, and post of it's own.
Such is my embarassment and shame in the refusal of Geert Wilders in our Country.
I am very, very sorry, and I shall do all I can, along with the LPUK to get rid of this cowardly, and self-serving joke of a government, and expose it for what it truly is.
Ik ben droevig.
Bemused Wolf.

1 comment:
"Ik ben droevig" actually translates to I am sad you should really say "het spijt me" which is I am sorry.
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